TJIS is the Top International school in Hyderabad

Top International school in Hydarabad

‘Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”

We provide students a well-rounded, world-class education with our innovative curriculum.The mentors are an indirect support line while steering the team in its pursuit for excellence.Creative endeavour and absolute care in crafting of our future leaders. .TJIS is the Top International school in Hyderabad.We enable all TJIS Students to become the best possible version of themselves. We provide an environment where our children develop into empathetic, self-directed, critical thinkers who don’t give up when faced with challenges.All students are creative thinkers and problem solvers, and they possess a global perspective of community responsibility. High achievement will be reflected in all academic and extra-curricular endeavors. All students will be future ready for life in a globally competitivee

Contact Us

Phone: 7032463632/34 | 9494333352




Survey No. 349 & 364, Medchal Highway, Kallakal Village, Manoharabad Mandal, Medak District, Hyderabad, 502336.

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